Does my child have to go to Travel Tryouts to be placed on a travel team?
Yes, current 2nd – 7th graders must go to the Travel Tryouts held every May/June to guarantee placement on a team for the upcoming year (Fall and Spring). Previous placement on a FUSC (or other) travel team does not guarantee placement for the upcoming year.
Does my child have to go to both tryouts?
Players are strongly encouraged to attend both tryouts to ensure that they will be placed with players of similar skills.
What if my child is ill or injured and cannot attend either tryout?
Please email the Boys or Girls Director prior to the scheduled tryout. Players not attending tryouts due to documented injury or illness will receive appropriate consideration for a travel team.
Why is Travel Registration twice the cost of in-town?
Travel soccer is a full year commitment; thus, the registration fee is for two seasons of soccer: Fall and Spring.
Is there a payment plan for Travel Soccer?
Yes, there is a payment plan option where you can pay for Fall before tryouts start, and Spring is automatically billed on January 15th. There is a screenshot below that shows where you can find the Travel Payment Plan during checkout.
What if my child doesn’t make a 3rd or 4th grade travel team?
The registration of 3rd and 4th grade players who don’t make a travel team is automatically transferred to our in-town program. If you paid for the full year, you can request a refund for your Travel Spring payment by emailing the FUSC Registrar. If you used the Travel Payment Plan, your Spring payment will be automatically canceled.
Do I have to pay for my child if I am the head coach?
All coaches who have put in an application to be a head coach of a travel team should still register and pay for their children. If you are assigned to be the head coach of your child’s team after the placement meeting, you can request a refund from the FUSC registrar. Travel Coach Application Information
I have several kids playing for FUSC. Are there sibling discounts?
Yes, families that register three or more kids should contact the Registrar for a coupon code.
Does FUSC have financial assistance?
Yes, need-based financial aid requests should be made to the FUSC Registrar, not to your child's coach, by emailing the registrar.
If you have other questions, please reach out to our Girls Director or our Boys Director for assistance.