Soccer Equipment
FUSC provides all coaches with the basic equipment necessary to run successful practices and games. This basic equipment includes balls, cones, pinnies, ice packs and a bag. In addition, FUSC is able to accommodate a limited amount of special requests under certain circumstances. All equipment requests should be made by completing the Equipment Request Form. The Equipment Director will acknowledge your request and provide you with a date and location for when and where you can pick up the equipment: Equipment Request Form
Any questions or concerns can be sent to Equipment Director.
Practice Fields
The Practice Field panel on the right lists where you can and cannot hold practice. Coaches wanting to hold practices at Merchant Road fields should contact the Fields Director.
Rain & Field Conditions
Game day field closures because of weather or field conditions are at the decision of the home team. FUSC posts game day field status by 7:30 AM. Field status will be posted on the Club's homepage. Once a field is open, BAYS referees are empowered to stop, suspend, or terminate a match for the safety of the players should weather or field conditions require that action. For practices, the club will email any city or Merchant field closures.
Lightning safety requires a large standoff distance from thunderstorms and a long standoff time after apparent thunderstorm decay. Thunder produced by a lightning strike travels one mile (1.6 km) every five seconds. Thus, counting the number of seconds between the visible "flash" and the audible "bang" and dividing by 5, provides the distance in miles.
Employ the "30-30 Rule" to know when to seek a safer location. The "30-30 Rule" states that when you see lightning, count the time until you hear thunder. If this time is 30 seconds or less, go immediately to a safer place. If you can't see the lightning, just hearing the thunder means lightning is likely within striking range. After the storm has apparently dissipated or moved on, wait 30 minutes or more after hearing the last thunder before leaving the safer location.
The "30-30 Rule" is best suited for existing thunderstorms moving into the area. However, it cannot protect against the first lightning strike. Be alert to changes in sky conditions portending thunderstorm development directly overhead. Larger outdoor activities, with longer evacuation times, may require a longer lead-time than implied by the "30-30 Rule."
When lightning threatens, go to a safer location. Do not hesitate.
What is a safer location? The safest place commonly available during a lightning storm is a large, fully enclosed, substantially constructed building, e.g. your typical house, school, library, or other public building. Substantial construction also implies the building has wiring and plumbing, which can conduct lightning current safely to ground. However, any metal conductor exposed to the outside must not be touched precisely because it could become a lightning conduit. Once inside, stay away from corded telephones, electrical appliances, lighting fixtures, ham radio microphones, electric sockets and plumbing. Don't watch lightning from open windows or doorways. Inner rooms are generally preferable from a safety viewpoint.
If you can't reach a substantial building, an enclosed vehicle with a solid metal roof and metal sides is a reasonable second choice. As with a building, avoid contact with conducting paths going outside. Close the windows, lean away from the door, put your hands in your lap and don't touch the steering wheel, ignition, gear shifter or radio. Convertibles, cars with fiberglass or plastic shells, and open-framed vehicles are not suitable lightning shelters.
Medical Insurance: Players, not FUSC, are responsible for any costs associated with the medical treatment of injuries incurred while participating in an FUSC program. In the event that a player does not have personal medical insurance, limited coverage is automatically provided through the MYSA for registered FUSC players. This medical insurance policy has a standard deductible payment to be made by the player receiving treatment, and is implemented on a per claim basis. For players with personal medical insurance, the MYSA policy will reimburse a player, who receives treatment for a soccer related injury incurred while participating in an FUSC program, the cost of any deductible payment required by the player's insurance carrier.
It should be noted that the medical insurance coverage provided through the MYSA does not extend to the treatment of injuries incurred when playing or practicing with FUSC in a for-profit facility. The coach (or person in charge of the team in the coach's absence), must carry the medical treatment release forms to every game and practice. These forms are part of the sign-up form which is signed by the player’s parent(s) when a player registers for a season. In the event of an injury and the absence of a medical treatment release form, a player may be denied the required immediate professional treatment of an injury until direct parent or guardian permission can be obtained.
Liability Insurance: Through the MYSA, all registered coaches, assistant coaches, referees and Club officials are covered by liability insurance. This liability insurance covers all affiliated Club members to a maximum of $2 million per occurrence. A parent substituting for a coach without the prior knowledge of the Club Registrar is not covered by liability insurance and could be exposed to personal financial liability.
To preserve the insurance coverage, the MYSA insurance requires that the Club teams, and its individual member players, play with and against only other affiliated organizations. This covers league play, all tournaments, practice scrimmages and any other play. Ignoring this requirement exposes the person responsible for the team or player to possible personal financial liability.